How to Develop Self Confidence & Trust

“Confidence is created by the small things you do every day that build trust in yourself”

Mel Robbins


I shared this quote on my Instagram page last week because it really resonated with me.


I’ve been thinking about trust a lot recently, specifically trusting myself.


Trusting myself as a friend, daughter, entrepreneur, coach, mentor, giver, dreamer, and creative. Trusting myself to make good choices, to be vulnerable, to open up and share, to gratefully receive. Trusting myself to allow love, and hope to be guiding stars, rather than doubt, and fear.


Today I wrote this quote in my journal, I chose to walk in the park with my dogs, to make a dentist appointment (because I trust myself to care for myself!)


What small thing have you done today to build trust in yourself?


The response from my friends and followers on Insta has really inspired me to write more about what this idea of confidence and trust in yourself really means. And most importantly – how we can create this in our own lives.


We are all surrounded with suggestions for developing our confidence, much of which boils down to ‘fake it till you make it’, or simply relying upon thinking confidently.


But in reality those tactics are incredibly hard to rely upon! I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has creeping doubts jump into the ring and make my ‘fake’ confidence feel just that – fake. And feeling like a fraud? Definitely doesn’t inspire confidence. It just makes you feel like a liar, a loser, and like you’ll never achieve real confidence in yourself.


In the quote, Mel Robbins is looking at a much more practical way of developing your self-confidence.


This isn’t an overnight process.


This is building your self up, piece by piece, by taking actual concrete action on a daily basis.


This action doesn’t have to be huge and life changing each and every single day. But the daily acts of building trust in yourself, slowly but surely? That is a huge and life changing thing.


So what kind of small things can you do every day to build that trust, and confidence?


My Instagram lovelies shared some of their ideas and they are brilliant:


  • Going for a walk as part of daily exercise
  • Taking rest when you need it
  • Remembering your have faced tough things before (you already trust yourself to do it again!)
  • Eating what makes your body feel good and healthy


I’m sure you all already do small things everyday as part of your routine that you hardly even think about! Eating breakfast, brushing your teeth, walking your dog. These are tasks that most of us would take for granted, that we don’t see as having particular value. But if you recognise these small acts as moments of you caring for yourself, and giving that the due it deserves, it can have a transformative effect.



I want to be clear though.


This isn’t just about productivity.


This is about trusting yourself on a deeper level. This is about building your confidence in yourself as a human being – not just as a worker/money maker.


That means that your daily acts of trust building can be incredibly mundane, or practical, or totally spiritual, expressive, or loving.


Do you trust yourself to care for your health? 

Then make that dentist or doctor’s appointment. Go for that daily walk. Buy delicious fruit and vegetables to eat.


Do you trust yourself to give and receive love freely?

Then kiss your best friend or partner or child every time you come home. Write that letter or postcard to your distant relations. Embrace the love your family, lover, or friends show you.


Do you trust yourself to make the right decisions?

Then practice making decisions you feel good about. Reflect on how they work out and then act accordingly tomorrow – make new choices, stop doing what makes you feel bad.


Everyday you have these chances to build trust – and you can focus on what is relevant to you.


This is about your relationship with your own self.


The most long lasting and fundamental relationship of your life! As you take this concerted, daily, small-but-so-important action, you will find that they become as natural as brushing your teeth.


You wont have to consciously decide to take that step – because you will do it automatically – and that feeling of trusting yourself to act in a way that is right for you will create a deep seated confidence that no-one can challenge.


Leave a comment telling me what small action you took today to build trust in yourself!

Love, Isobel x

Love this post? Check out Resonating with Purpose and Are You For Real?


You may also be interested in working with me – for support in clarifying how you want to feel and strategies to make it happen! 


                       Fire Starter Facilitator


Photo by Saffu on Unsplash