A yearly review: 2017

A Yearly Review 2017

A Yearly Review 2017


I hope you all had a wonderful festive season! I like to spend a bit of time at the beginning of the new year to reflect and plan. Especially now that I am working within the framework of my 5 year life plan. It’s a chance to sit down with a notebook, or some paper, and think about what you have achieved in the past year. Not just the big stuff though. The important thing is to think about all of the different areas of your life and most importantly – how you feel at the end of the year.


I find it easiest to ask myself a few key questions, and apply them to different areas of my life to see where I’ve been having victories and where I’ve had less success. It’s a great way of seeing where my focus has been this year. That way, I can move forward and try to make sure that I work on all the areas of my life equally. It’s all well and good to be doing amazing things at work, but if I’m not keeping a focus on my family or friends at the same time – whats the point?


yearly review questions pinterest


How do I feel about last year, overall?

2017 was a year of learning, experimenting, and dealing with challenges. In all areas of my life! It’s been a hard year in many ways, but I’m truly grateful as it has also been a year of growth for me. I have had to reflect on my priorities and my current path, and that has led to me making some radical changes in my life.


What were my successes?

I had a great year at work. My annual review said I was exceptional, my staff have given me amazing feedback about their happiness at work with me managing them, my department achieved all of it’s targets. And I still get a great deal of satisfaction supporting the public.

I also had a great year in terms of family. An amazing trip to Andalusia in March celebrated my Dad’s 60th birthday in style. It was a great restorative break with me and my parents spending quality time together. I visited my extended family for the first time in 3 years after a bereavement, and it was hard – but healing. I’m sorry I took so long to be able to do it, but grateful that this year we celebrated together on more than one occasion.


What were my challenges?

I had a hard year in terms of my health. The entire month of January was spent on the couch, sick as a dog, with a viral flu that just knocked me out. On and off throughout the year I’ve struggled with more viruses and exhaustion from working full time (usually whilst sick!).

Late this year work also took a turn for the very challenging. I work in a library service that has just had a huge shake-up proposed – and it means everyone’s job is at risk. Dealing with this myself, as well as supporting all of my team, has been one of the biggest career challenges I’ve faced so far.


How did I change/improve my life?

I really tackled my anxiety head on this year. I finally saw an excellent GP who noticed my anxiety and believed I shouldn’t have to continue putting up with it! Finally having a supportive doctor really made me feel like I didn’t have to just carry on managing things by myself. Taking medication for my anxiety has genuinely been life changing and has enabled my to really change the way I think about my life. I’ll be writing more about this soon because I really think it’s important to share my experience with mental health.


What lessons did I learn?

I’ve learned that being organised and having a plan really works – you achieve so much more than when you are aimlessly working. (Shocker, I know). I’ve remembered that my family are incredibly important, and I need to make time to spend with them in a joyful way. I’ve also realised that I am incredibly committed to my goals, more-so than I thought. And I need to surround myself with people who are in sync with that, otherwise it can be a source of conflict and restriction.


What were last year’s goals? Did I achieve them?

One of last year’s key goals was to develop my fitness. And that goal was completely derailed by ill health most of the year. When I wasn’t actively sick, I was so focused on work that any time off was spent resting.

I had a saving goal of £5000. Big, I know. And I achieved it! I was really happy about this as historically I have been absolutely rubbish at saving. This money was mostly spent on some major home renovations. And every time I walk across my lovely new floor I get a glow of satisfaction.

Another goal was to re-enter the dating game. I haven’t properly dated in about 3 years. (I know, I know.) With all of my focus being on my Masters Degree, and then work, I just felt like I didn’t have the time. But also, crucially, I’ve been struggling with anxiety so much that the idea of having the added stress of a partner seemed overwhelming. So I avoided it! But this year I have gone for it – braving the wild world of online dating and ending up meeting a great guy that I dated for 5 months. There hasn’t been a fairytale happily ever after, but I have re-connected with the idea of potentially finding a partner and I’m glad of that.


What do I wish I did less of?

In retrospect I wish I focused less on work. It has definitely dominated my time and energy this year and I will be changing this in the future.

I also wish I did less stressing. My anxiety made a strong comeback in the late summer and that definitely added to my stress levels with work and relationships. Part of my strategy for the coming year is reducing my stress levels, and managing the things that stress me out!


What do I wish I did more of?

I wish I did more fun things with my family and friends. Days out to exhibitions, seeing the sights, and going on holiday together.

I also wish I read more books! I have a ‘to be read’ pile sitting patiently by my bed that has been shamefully ignored this year. I get a lot of pleasure from reading, so not making the time for it has definitely been a disappointment.


What were my ‘top 3’ moments?

Making the trip to Scotland to see my extended family for the first time in 3 years was a major achievement and made me really happy. I got to give a reading at my baby cousin’s naming day, and I was incredibly proud to be chosen for the honour.

Spending a week abroad with my parents was a beautiful break, and really reconnected our strong bonds. It’s something we can’t do very often so it was precious time.

Starting my Etsy business was a huge personal success. It’s something I’ve thought about for years, but never acted on until this year. Finally committing to this idea was such a relief! The fact that it has been successful and made money is almost less important than that satisfaction of finally doing it.


How do I want to feel this time next year?

I want to feel content but energised. I would like to look at my goals and see progress on all of them. I want my predominant feelings at the end of the year to be the absence of stress, a sense of achievement, the warmth of family and friends, and hopefulness for the coming year!


10 questions to review your year 2017 Pinterest twitter



Your Year In Review

Have you ever sat down and reviewed your year? How do you do it? What questions do you ask yourself?

I’d love to hear your thoughts about my strategy, and how you get on if you try it out for yourself. I hope 2017 was kind to you all. And if it didn’t bring you all of the successes you hoped for I hope it brought you lessons and growth. I’ll be writing about my plan for 2018 soon, so keep an eye out for that. Lets plan for our most beautiful and joyful year year!


Love, Isobel x



2017 photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

Pinterest & Twitter graphic background photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash